Privacy Policy for The KiZOMBA EXPERIENCE - 3X the CHARM - The Magic Edition

The event organizer, The KiZOMBA EXPERIENCE - 3X the CHARM - The Magic Edition, has the legal responsibility to tell ticket buyers and event attendees how their personal information will be collected and used. You can find their Privacy Policy below or contact them to request it.

Personal data we collect

We collect, process and use personal data when you book a ticket and buy any of our associated products and services to an event including your name, address and email address together with payment information. We may also use personal data that you give to us about other people if you register them to attend an event. You agree that you have notified any other person whose personal data that you provide to us of this privacy notice and, where necessary, obtained their consent so that we can lawfully process their personal data in accordance with this policy.

All personal data that you provide to us must be true, complete and accurate. If you provide us with inaccurate or false data, and we suspect or identify fraud, we will record this.